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还归何处 There They Return Again (2019), Three-Channel Video (b&w, sound), 40:03


莽人的 N 村紧邻中越两国的界山。每逢夏秋时节,季风带来的降水引发山洪,会将山上老林中的树木冲到村庄旁。
2019 年3 月22 日傍晚到23 日凌晨,我扛着一条被洪水冲到下游的原木,沿着河流上溯,将它送回了源头的瀑布下。这里也就是国境线的所在。

N, the village in the border area where Mang people live, is situated on the foot of the boundary mountain between China and Vietnam. During the rainy season, trees are pushed out of the ferocious flooded river and washed up to the village downstream because of the mountain torrents caused by monsoon rains.
On 22nd March 2019, from the evening to the morning of next day, I was carrying a trunk swept down the river in a mountain torrents, following the river up and taking it back to the headwaters nourished by a fall. It is where the borderline crosses.

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