你不要到南方去,你不要到北方去 Don't You Go to the South, nor to the North (2022), Single-Channel Video (color, sound), 54'43"
In this area, the Lancang (Mekong) River, which flows to the Pacific Ocean, and the Nu (Salween) River, which flows to the Indian Ocean, are separated by the Biluo Snow Mountains. Before the modern highway was built, the Salt Horse Road from Lanping to Zhiziluo was the most important way to enter the Nu River Valley. The road and the caravans on it made Zhiziluo prosperous for a time, but it was abandoned later with the construction of the highway that took another way.
On October 29, 2022, I gathered a pot of water in the Lancang River and then crossed the Biluo Snow Mountains from east to west along the half-existing and half-abandoned Salt Horse Road, and finally reached the Nu River and poured the water into it on November 1, 2022.